Our Prayer
We first and foremost desire to introduce to introduce you to our Savior. If you already have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, we would like to be an encouragement to you through the materials and resources made available on this site. Please visit often and tell someone else about us.

Our Purpose
We desire to encourage and edify God's people in Southeast Asia. Although we are glad for many others who are blessed in any measure by this ministry, our foremost efforts focus on this region. India has been our first priority. Thus the culture, current events, and history of this wonderful land will consistently flavor all we do.

Our Partnerships
We could not accomplish our objectives apart from our friends on both sides of the world. Through the years, we have partnered with numerous friends and ministries in both the United States and India. Our co-laborers in Myanmar have likewise given crucial support. We are grateful for our many partners-in-ministry.

Our Position
Holding to sound Biblical doctrine, we identify ourselves as Baptist. Being Independent Baptists, we declare our allegiance to Christ and thus maintain that we ourselves are not answerable to any ecclesiastical hierarchy or denominational politics established by men.